The late Neema Edward Mkwelele.
BA Honors-Broadcasting. University of Falmouth. Cornwall, United Kingdom. Canadian number: 76288 1712 BC0001 .
Tanzanian number: NOOONGO/00004827. Tanzanian tax id: 00NGO/R1/0093 |
In August 2011, the Neema Edward Mkwelele Foundation visioning meeting was held in Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania. Participants included Neema’s family members, relatives, friends, and school mates, college mates, past teachers, who knew Neema as well as well-wishers and the neighbours at Mali Asili Mbezi Beach area; a suburb of Dar es Salaam. The idea to establish the ‘Neema Edward Mkwelele Foundation’ was introduced by the parents of the late Neema Edward Mkwelele to the family members, relatives, friends, school mates, college mates, neighbours and all well-wishers. She was 22 years old at the time of her death, she passed away tragically on February 21, 2011. The idea is all about helping other young people in particular girls so as they can achieve something in their lives as she did at her very young age, especially achievements in education in the African context. Neema was very much interested in education and community development in such away it compelled people around her community to think about the establishment of the foundation in her name so as to keep alive her interests and at the same time make sure she acts as a role model to be emulated by others, especially young girls throughout the country (Tanzania), Africa and the rest of the world. ‘It’s about honoring our beautiful daughter and dedicating our lives to her Legacy and use that Legacy to improve lives of children and girls. We lost our Neema and her death taught us a lot; we saw this gap and we want to help vulnerable girls’ – Neema’s family.
From that time on an agreement was reached to form leadership and memberships to start a Foundation to be called Neema Foundation that would offer services on educational wellness as well as social wellness support.
The late Neema Edward Mkwelele was a Tanzanian, born of Tanzanian parents, on 5th January, 1989. She studied in several institutions in Kenya, Canada and the United Kingdom. The University College of Falmouth, Falmouth, Cornwall, in the United Kingdom; 2007 – 2010, where she was awarded the first degree B.A (Hon) – Broadcastingin 2010 at the age of 21 years old. The University of Emily Carry, Vancouver, Canada as an international student on an exchange programme; 2009. She wanted to be a travel writer, broadcaster and Journalist. |