Help today by donating accessibility tools now! To start a Neema Edward Mkwelele - Memorial Boarding School for Girls- Inclusive School accessibility tools program for disabled girls. Help a disabled child learn to obtain equitable access to education by donating accessibility tools.
Instead of donating money you can accessibility tools or anything that will help the school.
Please see our address below:
Neema Edward Mkwelele Wellness Foundation
P.O.BOX 77583
Instead of donating money you can accessibility tools or anything that will help the school.
Please see our address below:
Neema Edward Mkwelele Wellness Foundation
P.O.BOX 77583
Canadian number: 76288 1712 BC0001.
Tanzanian number: NOOONGO/00004827.
Tanzanian tax id: 00NGO/R1/0093
Tanzanian number: NOOONGO/00004827.
Tanzanian tax id: 00NGO/R1/0093